Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Sexy Dress...

... as it came to be known. Named by a good friend because of it's nude lining and black lace. Well, and perhaps the body skimming fit might have had something to do with it. It is one of those dresses that seems to look great on everyone... of various shapes and sizes. This dress was actually loaned out for a number of years. Upon returning to California after my 5 year stint in New York City, it was returned to me. It looked as good as the day I bought it... sometime in 1999.
I, of course, brought it with me on my Honeymoon to Maui.
However, recently I felt the need to put it on once more. Before storing it away with most of my clothes that no longer fit because of the great weight gain that goes hand in hand with pregnancy. Here I am.... 24 weeks, and in the "Sexy Dress." I just couldn't help it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

57. Have Baby: March 27th 2011

Finally, a project... my own little science project.... that I can not procrastinate. She, the little "Texas Ranger," is due to arrive some time around March 27th 2011. While I can't wait for her arrival, I am also extremely grateful for the 9 months of getting used to the idea of this life changing event. Here I am at 22 weeks and 3 days.... just yesterday. I now look pregnant and not just like I've eaten 1 too many snacks at work.... thank goodness. Who knew I would be so happy to have a big 'ol belly.
Perhaps now, I will actually finish project 56.